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"Does Milk Do A Body Good?"
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Remember what your parent's used to say when you were younger about
And dairy products? they would say it was vital for strong teeth and bones? It
reminds me of something I saw one of my clients do the other day. This
Person was doing an exercise that was biomechanical incorrect, as I
attempted to correct him, he told me that he got the exercise from a
Bodybuilding magazine. As I explained to him in this particular case he
was benefiting in one way as the magazine article indicated, but did not
that he was compromising his body's structural alignment in order to
receive one benefit. This analogy pertains to everything we use in life. Now getting to whether or not we should consume milk and/or dairy products is ultimately a choice for you to make considering your own Health issues. Here are some statistics that I found very compelling. William E. Ellis, M.D. has reported in the Healthview Newsletter that thousands upon Thousands of blood tests that he has conducted Show that people who drink 3 to 4 glasses of milk a day invariably had The lowest levels of Blood calcium. In his opinion these tests showed conclusively THAT ADULTS WHO USE MILK PRODUCTS DO NOT ABSORB NUTRIENTS AS WELL AS ADULTS WHO DON'T. (WOW!!) Dr. Ellis, furthermore, outlines how milk drinking causes malabsorption. The first reason is that milk and milk products have a great ability to Neutralize hydrochloric acid, this acid aids in the digestion of your Food Therefore, forces your stomach to work harder to produce hydrochloric Acid. The second reason and most revealing is that MILK AND CHEESE TEND TO GENERATE EXCESSIVE MUCAS IN THE INTESTINES, SINUS (CAVITIES) AND LUNGS. The extra mucus in the intestines hardens and forms a coating on the Inner lining that is relatively impermeable to nutrients. This, of Course, means poor absorption, which results in chronic fatigue. Excessive Mucus generated by milk and milk products is behind many respiratory Ailments. Studies indicate that few adults can metabolize the protein in cows Milk properly. The principle protein in cow's milk is called CASEIN, WHICH IS NOT WHAT HUMANS PRIMARILY NEED. It was also noted that 50% or more of Casein in infants is not Digested. The non-digested protein enters the blood stream, where it irritates the Tissues creating susceptibility to allergens, which means the liver has to remove all the partially digested cow protein, this places an unnecessary burden on a persons entire excretory system. Additionally, The calcium in cow's milk does not metabolize properly whereas The calcium in mother's milk does. NEEDLESS TO SAY - I NO LONGER DRINK MILK OR DAIRY PRODUCTS. Let's design a life that makes sense for longevity rather than following Old school values and beliefs. I hope this was helpful and informative. Warmest regards, James Spicer, e-mail: