Classical Homeopathy, a science founded over 200 years ago by German chemist and physician, Samuel Hahnemann, is an "energetic" alternative therapy based on the belief that disease can be cured by strengthening the body's defense mechanism with substances carefully selected for their energy-giving properties.
Classical Homeopathy is one of the few therapies that have the capacity to address disease on the plane where it originates. Both the illness and the body's defense mechanism originate on what is called the dynamic plane, and homeopathic medicine directs itself to this plane, aiming to change the imbalance in the body's energy levels which lie at the root of disease.
Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars, the idea that a substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can likewise cure these same symptoms in an ill one. "Like cures like" is its motto.
To achieve a cure, the Classical Homeopath matches the symptom picture of an ill patient to the symptom picture of a homeopathic remedy that has been determined through controlled and extensive testing or "provings" on Healthy, human subjects.
The 'likes cures likes" approach of Classical Homeopathy is contrary to that of "allopathic" or conventional medicine which works in opposites, suppressing symptoms.
Homeopathy views symptoms as the attempt of the body's "vital force" or guiding energy to make its imbalance (the root of the illness) known. It does not see the symptoms as the actual disease but looks upon them merely as signs of a problem in the patient's energy force. In this way it once again differs from conventional medicine which diagnoses the symptoms as the illness.
Classical Homeopathy interprets the "totality" of these symptoms and addresses the physical, emotional/psychic, and mental/spiritual aspects of an individual as interrelated and inseparable, and selects the single remedy most similar to the imbalance exhibited through the symptomology. In doing so, Homeopathy addresses the cures and the underlying cause.
From the standpoint of Homeopathy, the name of the syndrome or illness is of no importance. Homeopathy, for example, does not treat "migraines" or "chronic fatigue" or "arthritis"; it treats the individual. The homeopathic approach recognizes that no two patients are alike regardless of the similarities in symptoms. Each case is unique.
Allopathy depends on knowing the cause of the illness and on being able to cure the cause. Homeopathy does not need to know the name of the disease, or the name of the virus, bacteria, etc. that causes the disease, or how to intervene with that virus. All homeopathy needs to know is what the individual's body, in its intelligence, is attempting to do to expel the problem and cure the illness.
Homeopathy understands that the body is doing the right thing but that when it is faced with a chronic condition, it needs assistance.
The essence of Homeopathy is to stimulate the body's own vital force to produce a cure. Homeopathic remedies help the body to do what it is already doing. Homeopathy bypasses the allopathic diagnosis, proceeding directly to the cure.
The homeopath bases his/her prescription on the "totality of the symptoms" which is determined during a consultation of approximately 1½ hours.
The homeopath must learn all he/she can about the patient including his/her immediate condition; likes and dislikes with respect to weather, food, etc.; fear; emotions; personality and idiosyncrasies; and the factors and conditions that make the patient feel better or worse.
Based upon this information, a single remedy is given and the patient is seen again in 4-6 weeks. Follow-up monthly consultations range from 30 minutes to one hour.
Classical Homeopathy is a pure science. It is important to choose your Classical Homeopath carefully. Your practitioner should be thoroughly trained and practice homeopathy exclusively. Remember Classical Homeopathy is a specialized form of treatment.
Classical Homeopathy is based upon:
1. The remedy
2. The single remedy
3. The minimum dose
4. The laws of cure
The Remedies:
Hahnemann found that a very small dose of a remedy prescribed according to the Law of Similars produced better results than larger doses, and that, in fact, larger doses aggravated the illness. For curative purposes, incredibly small doses are sufficient.
The homeopathic remedies are, therefore, highly diluted (thus non-toxic) substances stemming from the plant, mineral or animal kingdoms. A remedy is created by combining one meticulously prepared part of the original substance with a specific quantity of alcohol. Each dilution is vigorously shaken before further dilution, and each dilution is made from the previous one.
Homeopathic remedies are taken apart from meals. Do not eat or drink for at least one-half hour before or after the remedy. The tablets may be dissolved under the tongue or put in water. Your Classical Homeopath will provide all necessary instruction.
Substances Antidotal to the Remedies:
It is important not to do anything that will interfere with the action of the remedy. Coffee, camphor, eucalyptus, menthol, mint (toothpaste, gum, candies, etc), can antedate homeopathic remedies. And for strong odors, please use a homeopathic toothpaste. Take your remedy in clean air.
A remedy is NEVER repeated so long as it continues to act. Unnecessary repetition of a remedy may also cause antedating. DO NOT REPEAT THE REMEDY UNLESS YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO!
The Dangers of Self-prescribing:
Classical Homeopathy is a very precise and complex science. One should consult a professional Classical Homeopath for all chronic and acute complaints. Before you self-prescribe, consider the following:
a. If you take too much of a homeopathic remedy over a period of time you can "prove" the remedy - that is, you will suffer the symptoms that the remedy was supposed to cure. If the remedy was not correctly chose, you may, in addition, experience symptoms you never had before
b. If the remedy is not prescribed on the whole person, its effects will be partial and limited and the symptom picture will be confused.
c. Certain remedies are antagonistic and/or antidotal to others. You must be thoroughly trained to prescribe safely.
d. If improperly chose, homeopathic remedies can be suppressive, pushing the illness further into the body.
OTC Remedies:
Classical Homeopathy is based on the single remedy and the similar remedy. It is a highly individualized science. Consider these facts before you purchase an over-the-counter, combination, mass-marketed product!
Homeopathy and other Forms of Treatment:
Homeopathy does not conflict with surgery, physical and manual therapy or suggestion. Homeopathy does not correct mechanical conditions, but it can assist other forms of treatment used to address these problems. |